2021 Message Archive
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Current Messages | 2021 | 2020
Rabbi William Hepfner's Messages
12/25... "When was Jesus Really Born"
Jonathan Cahn Interview "When was Jesus Really Born" Biblical Proof
12/11... "Celebrating Life"
vaYigash (he, Jacob, drew near)
12/18... "Child of Prophecy"
vaY'chi (and he, Jacob, lived)
Watch the Play "Child of Prophecy"
12/04... "Dreams"
m'Ketz (and he slept)
11/27... Go the Guest Speakers Box
Kristiann Lefferts Ph.D.
11/20... Go to Guest Speaker's Box
Gary Semmel
11/13... "Promises God Has Given To Us"
vaYetze (and Jacob went out)
11/06... "Praying The Scriptures"
Tol'dot (generations)
10/30... "When Stories End; New Stories Begin"
10/23... "God Appears, Blesses, Then Tests"
10/16... Go to Guest Speaker's Box
Gary Semmel
10/09... "God's Signs"
10/02... "Creation and Patriarchs
09/25... "Deuteronomy 33"
v Zot haB'rachah (and this the blessing)
09/18... "The Song of Moses"
09/11... Go to Guest Speaker's Box
Gary Semmel
09/04... "Stand -and- Be Called"
Nitsavim (you all are standing}
08/28... "God Should Be Manifest In You"
08/21... "How To Treat Your Brother"
08/14... Go to Guest Speaker's Box
Gary Semmel
08/07... "Un-Restricting the SPIRIT's power" Pt 2
07/31... "Un-Restricting the SPIRIT's power" Pt 1
07/17... Go to Guest Speaker's box
Gary Semmel
07/10... "Vessels of Revelation"
07/03... "Covenant of Everlasting Priesthood"
Pinchas - Phinehas (dark skin)
06/26... "Are You Zealous for God?"
06/19... "What Are We Missing?"
06/12... Go to Guest Speaker's box
Gary Semmel
06/05... "From Sojourning to God's Promises"
Sh'lach L'Cha (send for yourself)
05/29... "Freedom from Anxiety, Worry, Fear"
b'Ha'alot'cha (in your making go up)
05/15... Go to Guest Speaker's box
Gary Semmel
04/24... Acharei Mot - K'doshim
Acharei Mot (after the death)
K'doshim (holy ones)
04/17... "The Difference Between Holy & Unholy and
04/10... Go to Guest Speaker's box
Gary Semmel
04/03... Go to Special Events box
Easter Play
03/27... "Praying the Scriptures
03/20... "Prayer the Scriptures
Not Philosophy nor Legalism but Christ"
03/13... Go to Guest Speaker's box
Gary Semmel
03/06... "Praying the Scriptures -
Praying the Scriptures example"
02/27... "Power & Authority" Pt 4
02/20... "Power & Authority" Pt 3
02/13... "Power & Authority" Pt 2
02/06... "Power & Authority" Pt 1