Holy Days, Feasts, and Festivals
The Shabbat is the first of the Holy Days that the Lord said to be remembered in all generations and is the only Holy Day found in the 10 Commandments. It is a day of rest and spiritual rejuvenation as we come together in the corporate worship of the Lord.
Erev Shabbat marks the beginning of this Holy Day when the Sun goes down. The tradition includes blessings, the lighting of the candles, the breaking of bread and drinking of wine (grape juice), and a festive leisurely dinner.
The Havdalah service marks the end of Shabbat and literally means separation or division. As the sun goes down we thank the Lord for the day, and then we pray for the evening and for the day ahead of us with his grace.
Spring Feasts
The Spring Feasts teach us what Yeshua (Jesus) established while on Earth.
Pesach (Passover) commemorates God’s mercy on the Jews during the killing of the Egyptian firstborn. It was at the final Passover Seder with His disciples that Yeshua implemented communion by teaching that the middle matzah symbolized His body. He also taught that the cup of redemption symbolized His blood and that it was poured out for the remission of sins.
Chag HaMatzot (Unleavened Bread) is a week of being leaven-free (leaven symbolizes sin) in our homes and remembering our Savior, Yeshua, who was the perfect Passover Lamb.
(Pentecost or First Fruits) commemorates the giving of the Torah and the harvest of the first fruits.
We also include the Story of Esther, called Purim, as Jesus attended this fun Holy Day.
Fall Feasts
The fall feasts teach us what will be fulfilled at Yeshua’s (Jesus’) return.
Yom Kippur
(Day of Atonement) is the only day of the year the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) entered the Holy of Holies to call on the name of the Lord and offer blood sacrifices. Yeshua is our Kohen Gadol.
Rosh HaShannah
(Feast of Trumpets) is the Jewish New Year and marks the beginning of ten days of awe; a time of prayer, self-examination, and repentance which culminates on the fast day of Yom Kippur.
(Feast of Tabernacles) is a festive Holy Day in which we spend time in the Sukkah (a hastily built tent) used for remembrance that Israel dwelt in the desert for forty years.
We also include the
Simchat Torah (Joy of the Torah)
and Chanukkah (Festival of Lights).