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Life's Destiny Church Blog

Studies, Devotions, News, Views & Who's Who

About Ministry Teams

Writer's picture: William HepfnerWilliam Hepfner


Getting Connected at Life’s Destiny Church means participating on a “Body Ministry Team.” These Teams (a small group of people) provide a setting for building a dynamic relational atmosphere. This means that our Teams use Biblical principles of serving (called Ministry) one another while providing a usable service to all our Church Members.

Were There Group Meetings in the Bible?

The book of Acts records the tremendous growth of the first church of Jerusalem. Group meetings were the foundation of the early church. Acts 5:42 tells us that the people met “in the temple courts” (large group worship) and “from house to house” (small group fellowship). Small groups were vital to the church’s growth then, and they are just as vital now. You’ll never fully experience all that Life’s Destiny Church has to offer until you connect in a small group. In today’s terminology we name small groups; “Ministry Teams.”

What Are the Teams About?

Our Teams are as varied as we are; Team Leaders use their gifts and passions to create a Team that allows others to join with them in serving God. Whatever your age or interest – Bible study, cooking, prayer, missions, or running, you name it – we’ve got a group that’s just right for you. And if we don’t have what you were looking for, we will help you form one.

When Can I Join a Team?

Any time you desire. Our Teams are always open to adding new members thought the year. However, we normally start new Teams three times a year; Spring, Summer and Fall Seasons. We celebrate these upcoming Seasons with an exciting event called “Rally Week”, where we can showcase all our groups. We find this is a great time to recruit. We hope you will find a group, contact the leader, and join us in having lotsa fun in Ministry!


  • They have 3 or more people serving on the Team (this includes counting the Team Leader). But each Team has no more than 12 Members. 

  • They develop and identify an Assistant Leader. 

  • The Team meeting includes Prayer and a review of Ministry assignments. 

  • Unless otherwise specified, the Team freely welcomes new people into their meetings. 

  • They are encouraged by the Pastors and Elders. 

  • Team Leaders encourage their Team Members to invite people who are attending LDC but not serving on a Team, and, inviting those that aren’t involved or attending another Church. 

  • Body Ministry Requests Team Members to commit to serving on a Team for a 4 Month Season (such as: Spring, Summer or Fall). Team Members have the choice to change to another team if they wish, or, they may even re-up on their current Team. 

  • They grow through relational enthusiasm.


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